3/3 Group Format

Announcements and Updates:

  • 21 Day Rhythm of Fasting and Prayer - 1/20-2/9

    • Here are 4 different ways to consider engaging in this practice:

      1. The Traditional Food Fast

        1. A rhythm of consuming Water Only from Sun up to Sun down on Wednesdays and Fridays over the 21 day period

      2. The Selective Food Fast

        1. A rhythm of giving up certain elements from your diet for the 21 day period. An example of this would be what’s commonly referred to as the “Daniel Fast” (taken from the story of Daniel in the Old Testament, where he fasted for 21 days from “meats and sweets”). So maybe you remove “meats and sweets” from your diet for 21 days. Other examples could be removing substances such as alcohol or caffeine from your diet for the 21 day period.

      3. The Influence Fast

        1. An influence fast is choosing something other than food to abstain from. If you don’t have much experience fasting food, have health (or other) issues that prevent you from fasting food, or if you wish to refocus certain areas of your life that are out of balance, this is a great option for you. For example, you might choose to stop using social media, watching tv, or shopping/material consumerism for the duration of the fast and then carefully bring that element back into your life in healthy doses at the conclusion of the fast.

      4. A Combination of the Fasts

        1. If you’re like me, you can have a desire to let the rhythms of the Traditional Food Fast be worked into your life while also wanting to leverage the other days during this 21 day period. As a result you might do both the traditional food fast while also abstaining from social media for 21 days, or removing alcohol for 21 days, etc.

  • Ladies Event - Friday 2/7 @ 6:00pm

    • Join other ladies at City Church for an intentional evening of connecting and building community!

    • No need to RSVP.

    • Please bring a Snack and a Drink to Share


As you gather, share a meal, or snacks & refreshments. Open your time together in prayer 🙏

Care & Connect

  • Share your name and something you’re thankful/grateful for. 🎉

  • Share something causing you stress/anxiety. 😓

    • Is there anything this group can do to help with some of the needs mentioned? 🤲

  • How did your “I Will…” statement go from last week? 🤷‍♂️

  • Did You share your story, or God's story with anyone? 📣


Read & Discuss

This Weeks Passage: Psalm 63:1-8

  • Pause for a 30 second breath prayer - “Holy Spirit, Come” 🕊️

  • Read the passage in 2-3 different translations 📖

  • What does this teach us about God and people? 🤔

  • What does this teach us about the life God wants us to live? 🏃‍♂️


Obey - Share - Pray (never skip)

If necessary, split up into smaller groups to make sure everyone has time to share and pray. 🪑

Pause and have everyone in the group pray for the Spirit to show them how to answer these questions: 🕊️

  • How will you obey this passage? 🏃‍♂️

    • Create an “I Will…” statement and write it down. ✍️

  • Who will you share your story or God's story with this week? 📣

  • Is there a struggle you need to share? 🏋️

  • Is the Holy Spirit saying anything specific on behalf of another that needs to be shared? 🕊️

    • Blessing, Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, etc. 📣

Pray for One Another

Pray for the person to your left: 🙏

  • Ask God to give them the strength to be obedient to their commitments. 💪

  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus through them this week. ♥️