3/3 Group Format

Announcements and Updates:

  • City Group Semester End and Start Dates

    • Fall Semester ends the week of December 9th, 2024

    • Winter Semester starts the week of January 13th, 2025

  • Annual Team Christmas Party - 12/13

    • It’s that exciting time of the year when we intentionally create space to honor all the Team Members who serve at City Church through our weekend gatherings and City Groups!

    • If you’re an ACTIVE TEAM MEMBER at City Church, respond to the RSVP invite in your email.

    • Mark your calendars for Friday, 12/13/24 from 6:00pm-8:30pm

    • If you have questions or need help with your RSVP, contact us at info@citychurchboulder.com

  • End of City Group Semester Party

    • Group leaders, for the week of December 9th, plan a way for your group to party together as we wrap up this semester!

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

    • Tuesday December 24th 5:00pm

    • Use the wax stamps and invite station on a Sunday to make personalized invites!

  • City Church Christmas Offering

    • Our goal is to raise $10,000 to help fund generosity and outreach initiatives in our city in 2025 and to increase our giving to our existing mission partners

    • We have a generous donor willing to match up to $20,000 for our Christmas Offering this year!

  • Sabbath Sunday

    • There will be no Sunday Gathering on Sunday 12/29!


As you gather, share a meal, or snacks & refreshments. Open your time together in prayer.

Care & Connect

  • Share your name and something you’re thankful/grateful for.

  • Share something causing you stress/anxiety.

    • Is there anything this group can do to help with some of the needs mentioned?

  • How did your “I Will…” statement go from last week?

  • Did You share your story, or God's story with anyone?


Read & Discuss

This Weeks Passage: n/a

  • Pause for a 30 second breath prayer - “Holy Spirit, Come”

  • Read the passage in 2-3 different translations

  • What does this teach us about God and people?

  • What does this teach us about the life God wants us to live?


Obey - Share - Pray (never skip)

Pause and have everyone in the group pray for the Spirit to show them how to answer these questions:

  • How will you obey this passage?

    • Create an “I Will…” statement and write it down.

  • Who will you share your story or God's story with this week?/ Who are you inviting to Halloween Community Night?

Pray for One Another

Create space for listening prayer and prophecy if you didn’t get to it last week:

  • Use the ABC’s to process God’s voice during listening prayer.

  • Invite the Holy Spirit to speak and ask simply:

    • God is there anything you want to say to an individual or this group as a whole tonight?

Pray for the person to your left:

  • Ask God to give them the strength to be obedient to their commitments.

  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus through them this week.